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Spring Use of Nitrification Inhibitors
More than 90% of the FS fall-applied nitrogen utilizes a nitrification inhibitor. Best management practices to protect our spring nitrogen investment is to apply a nitrification inhibitor with your nitrogen application.
Understanding Synthetic Seed Treatments: How To Maximize Return On Investment
Ensuring even and timely seedling emergence is the first step in developing a crop with high yield potential.
seed treatment in corn
Adding nutrients to the corn seed treatment or even in the planter boxes, has shown to consistently improve yields across varying environments. While the addition of graphite and talc in the planter box may be categorized as a seed treatment or coating, their purpose is to improve the “flow” of the seed through the planters’ seed mechanisms, rather than directly impact crop growth and development.
Spring Nitrogen Fertilization of Winter Wheat
Split timing of N application may provide additional yield benefits, especially with soil types and weather conditions that favor N loss. Dry urea or liquid UAN sources of nitrogen both perform equally well, and nitrogen stabilizers will prevent volatilization and denitrification losses, making more nitrogen available when the plant needs it most.
Spring Herbicide Applications on Winter Wheat
With temperatures warming now is the time to revisit weed control in wheat.
power outage during storm
Power outages can be a minor inconvenience or a serious threat to life in some cases. Most weather-related events can cause them, including snow and ice storms, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and extreme heat.
cylinder with liner cavitation
In heavy-duty diesel engine applications, antifreeze/coolant is formulated to prevent liner cavitation in wet sleeve liners. It also protects against scale, corrosion, and hard water deposits.
oil flowing in engine
Viscosity modifiers are an important part of modern lubricant technology. Multi-grade oil products contain them to maintain a consistent viscosity across a wide range of temperatures.
Propane specialist filling tank
In recent years, there's been a noticeable push to promote electricity as the primary energy source. While rebates may make this seem appealing, the reality is rebates are available for propane appliances too.
Consider Soil Moisture When Soil Sampling
Accurate soil analyses is critical when making fertilizer recommendations. When soils are dry, some soil measurements may be inaccurate. Key points and lookouts are discussed in this article.
Bt corn hybrid
With the number of Bt corn hybrids commercially available, it can be confusing to decide which product best fits one’s needs.
Inspecting crop for soybean cyst nematode
The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, causes greater losses than any other soybean pathogen in the U.S with annual yield losses estimated at more than $1 billion. Yield losses can vary from year to year and are influenced by soybean variety, weather conditions, soil type and other plant stressors.

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